Sunday, January 17, 2010

I've not had much to say.

If my husband heard me say this he would probably piss his pants from shock, but seriously, I haven't had much to say lately. I have been so busy lately. I thought things would settle down once I was done teaching...but that is a big fat nooooooo.

Somehow I have managed to get to 35 weeks of being pregnant and have no clue where the time between week 8 and now went. Dan and I have been running around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to get 'things' ready. Baby room- check (kind of, but good enough). Car seats all in order- check. Melrose's room redone- check. Baby clothes ready to go- ha, no, not even close. Baby closet cleaned out, shelves installed, organized- bwa hahahaha. Mode of transportation for two little ones in the form of a double stroller- noooope. O'Douls Non-Alcoholic beer in the frig- hell to the yeah!

Priorities? Who needs 'em. As long as there is a crib for the kid to sleep in, I am good to go!

So another gem that this pregnancy has offered me is this ridiculous pelvic bone problem. I'm not sure of the exact name of it, but lets just say it hurts like a mo' fo'. Yay for that.

Melrose has been entering the hitting-not listening on purpose-throwing a fit-demanding random things-demanding specific things-pretending not to listen to me-engaging in activities that are dangerous about every 10 minutes stage of her life. This should last, oh, only about 18 more years. The high point is that she gets cuter every day and that she is all about the snuggling these days. Due to my laziness as a parent, mostly caused by this later stage of pregnancy, we spend time before naps laying on the couch together watching cartoons. It is pretty much the best ever. pushes her little face against mine, snuggles in and turns to ask for a kiss on the lips every so often. It honestly doesn't get much better then that.


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