Monday, December 21, 2009

Last Night Was Fun

If it were opposite world.

I woke up about 5 times to go the the bathroom between midnight and 4am. At about 4:45am I was woken up with a HUGE urgency to pee. And what happens? Nothing. For the next hour I felt like my bladder was going to explode, yet I didn't actually have to go to the bathroom.

Went to the doctor this morning thinking it was a bladder infection, however the initial tests say no. We will see what the lab comes back with, but I swear to all holy hell that if it happens again tonight I'm going to be really really pissed (pun intended! ha, I'm hilarious).

On another note, Melrose has changed her sleep pattern for little ol' me. Now that I am home with her again, I prefer to sleep in a little (like to about 8am). And what has that sweet little angel done for me? She now goes to bed later and wakes up around 8am. It has been wonderful. A nice little treat before my own personal sleeping hell begins come February.

And speaking of that second little bundle of joy growing in my stomach, the doctor told me this morning that she is head down. Money! I am hoping she stays that way and that this delivery goes as smoothly as Melrose's entry into the world. Minus the terrible pain in my no-no zone from the babies head/my pelvic bone being traumatized, this pregnancy has not been so bad.

As always, I am so excited for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I can't think of anything better then spending time with family. That sounds so cheesy, but it really is great fun for me. Spending time with my family. Spending time with Dan's family. It is all wonderful. I love watching Melrose interact with the family and get to play with all of her cousins on both sides. I am looking forward to eating various different treats ranging from Mark's tasty appetizers to my dad's Ponenya to some quality cheesy dishes (mac and cheese, cheesy potatoes, etc). If I know my husband well, which I am pretty sure I do, Dan will be excited to lay in the middle of the floor and fall asleep amidst chaos (not sure how he does that, must be a guy thing).


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