Friday, January 22, 2010

Getting my fitness on.

Not right now, of course. Right now I am getting my eat-lay-nest on. But since I am getting down to the final month of being pregnant, I am looking forward to two things. One: getting back in shape, getting back to my healthy lifestyle and finding a way to workout . Two: finding some possible way to get a little mommy-only time in. I have learned that this time is very important and may be the only thing that keeps a parent of young children from insanity.

So I am thinking about joining a gym. And not your typical gym either. This is a reeeeal fancy gym ya'll. It is like a mixture between a gym and a country club...with a price tag that is slightly more then a gym. What they do offer that is super appealing is a mack daddy child care center. One in which they will watch your children for up to two hours a day.

And because this gym is so fancy, during these two hours I could get my hair did, sit in the sauna, swim, workout, play basketball, rock climb...oh the options are limitless!

Because child numero uno is still so little, preschool is not available for her, so this is my only chance to get her involved in some child interaction AND get me some time to release a bit. My little brain is twirling with the possibilies.


jayna said...

Sending E to preschool this year was the single greatest deciscion I made. I highly recommend checking out the few in the area for when Melrose is 2.

And that sounds like an awesome gym. We had a membership, but they didn't do childcare for under 6 months. So, I counted down till I could take MJ, and then it just kinda rolled on by with me continually forgetting to go :-) The double jogger was my lifesaver.

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