Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I'm stuck at home.

The school where I am teaching has had a spike of absences. Lots of kids with the flu. What type of flu you may ask? Who knows. They aren't even testing to see if people have the H1N1 virus because (a) they are learning that the test is 50% accurate at best and (b) the treatment for the H1N1 is nearly the same as the seasonal flu and finally (c) so far no seasonal flu has appeared and this is technically not normal seasonal flu 'season'.

So because of all of this, I am at home until at least Monday. Waiting for the spike of illnesses in the area to go down.

This swine flu business sucks. It freaks me out. A lot. Not only am I pregnant, but I have a 15 month old. I am also working in a field in which exposure to the virus is extremely high (have I told you how many kids have sneezed/coughed/germed on me lately?).

I have picked the worst year/season to be pregnant and working in a school. But who would of known that this would happen. I mean, I had the flu when I was pregnant with Melrose and no one was concerned. Now pregnant people are dying from this craziness and I am a few steps away from being put into a human bubble and living in a cave.

The husband is in Las Vegas until Thursday so I have been sleeping at my parents with Melrose. I HATE sleeping alone in the house. I am a big baby. I am scared of the dark. I am scared of any noises. I spent the first night by myself and literally had an evacuation plan in my head for any possible scenario that could take place from 10pm until 7am. Robbery, flood, fire, etc. In my mind I had everything mapped out, weapons in place and 'grabbing the baby and running' action plan ready to go.

So pathetic, I know.

We survived the first night, but I got about 4 hours of sleep. So I decided to save my brain the energy and my sleepless body the worry and just sleep at my parent's house. It was a good plan.

Plus it is nice to wake up and have several people hanging around to eat breakfast with and entertain the MelBel with.


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