Monday, September 28, 2009

Well, it is official.

Come February, we are going to be the proud parents of another little girl! This is so exciting for us- Dan was beyond thrilled when they told us it was going to be a girl. Apparently he is a gluten for punishment and wants to be surrounded by only women. Even our dog is a female.

Both of us knew deep down it was going to be a girl. I think if we decided to have more kids, which by the way is not in the plans right now, it would be a string of girls. We are a family destined to have the double xx genes or chromosomes or whatever the hell it is.

No name yet. Everything he throws out I hate. Everything I throw out he thinks is insane. We have a few names we kind of like, but we haven't really talked about it seriously. We had a boys name from when I was pregnant with Melrose, but we both knew we wouldn't need to use that any time soon. Maybe if I have 18 kids we would be able to use a boys name once or twice.

But after an early morning doctors appointment, crappy sleep patterns (due to peeing ALL of the time) and just being pregnant- I am exhausted! Melrose is talking in her crib, about to go to sleep, so I think I am going to follow suit and take a little nap. Ahhh. This is going to feel good!


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