Thursday, September 24, 2009

I'm alive!!

After three weeks of the most nasty virus EV-ER, I am starting to pull back the shades and am alive. Within the past three weeks I have had two sore throats, two sets of different coughs, stuffiness like no other, hot flashes....and the list goes on. I have been diagnoses with strep throat, a sinus infection, SWINE FLU and then finally with a mysterious, long-lasting terrorist virus.

The only diagnosis that has actually been accurate is the last. They even went as far to prescribe me TAMIFLU in which I refused to take (did you know that stuff has not been testing on pregnant humans??? and the tests on pregnant animals did not go so well??).

So, if you are reading this and know ANYONE who is pregnant, urge them to read ALL of the research and information online about TAMIFLU before they take it. It is considered, BY THE MANUFACTURER, to be unsafe to take during pregnancy. However, the CDC is telling doctors to give it to pregnant people. Insane.

In the meantime, Melrose has gotten creative with entertaining herself. At one point when I was talking to the doctor she had managed to get into the pantry and find her goldfish stash. She was shoving handfuls of fish into her mouth and loving every second of it.

She also has been running around the house like a crazy woman with one of my dresses. Dragging it around, playing hide-and-go-seek with it.

And sunglasses are her new favorite. She used to hate if anyone put them on her, but all of a sudden she has decided that they are the coolest.


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