Sunday, September 20, 2009

Melrose gets down while this pregnancy decides to kill me.

On Saturday we decided to go to the mall to walk around. Me, Mel and my momma. We needed something to do while Dan cut the grass and my mom wanted to check some things out, so off we went.

After a few hours of people watching and browsing we decided to head towards the door. Melrose was super sick of riding in the stroller so I pulled her out to walk the rest of the way. In the process of getting from point A to point B, we passed by the Guess store. Now I must tell you that the mall we went to is quite the fancy mall and at least 2 of the stores have DJs spinning records (yes, just like at a club) pumping music out of the very hip stores. So anyway, we pass by Guess and Melrose stops.

She stops. She turns. And she stairs into the store wondering what this intersting thumping music is.

Then she gets down. Starts dancing and shaking her booty. Everyone in the store looks out at her and start laughing. After about 10 seconds she is done with her dancing and keeps walking.

It was one of the funniest and cutest things I have every seen her do. And I honestly have no idea where she gets these moves from. No one has ever taught her how to dance nor has she ever seen people dance. It must be in her blood!

On another note....a far more annoying note....I am sick. Again. If my math is right, this is the FIFTH time I have been sick since getting pregnant. And, if you are keeping track, I am not even 5 months pregnant yet!

I'm fairly sure that I am allergic to being pregnant. This is beyond ridiculous.

So I decided that because this is right on the heels of barely feeling better from the last cold I would go into the doctors and see what is up. And because I don't have time or patience to make an appointment, I drove up to the Urgent Care.

The doctor said she didn't *think* I had the swine flu. Hmm. Awefully reassuring there.

She does think I have either strep throat or a sinur infection or a combination of the two. I got antibiotics that will kill both (yay) and took my first horse pill tonight. My throat is red and swollen and every time I swallow it feels like I am trying to choke down razor blades. Mmmm.

Because of this sore throat business I got about 3 hours of sleep last night, divided into 20-30 minute increments.

I seriously *SERIOUSLY* need to start feeling better soon. I mean, I am taking my prenatals which should help a little with getting sick ? and I wash or disinfect my hands a million times a day. I don't get it. Last time I was pregnant it was the same damn thing. Sick every couple of weeks.

So I have a big lesson to teach tomorrow and feel like absolute crap, but I am confident I can act healthy for about an hour to get through it. After that you may find me in a ball of human pregnancy mush in the back of the room.


Desiree said...

I know the Guess store you are talking about and I feel like standing outside dancing sometimes too! I understand where Melrose is coming from haha. As for the sickness, I feel so bad for you. Could you take Echinea? Did the doc recommend a flu shot? I don't know the restrictions for pregnancy.

CarmenBee said...

Kristen, do you have a netti pot? It's an amazing natural way to prevent illness. Especially with a sinus infection. Have you tried ginger for nausea?

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