Monday, August 17, 2009


I am finding it harder and harder to relate and hangout with the never-been-pregnant-don't-have-kids-I'm-just-doing-whatever group of people. The first problem is (a) I'm pregnant and the people in this category don't seem to understand that going to an event in which drinking is the main activity is no fun for me. Let me rephrase. These types of activities are sucktastical for me. What do I want to do in my barely there free time? Watch people around me get drunk and stupid and bump into my belly? Sounds like lots of fun.

The second problem is that I already have my little love bug at home and staying out until all hours of the night is not the best idea when you have a 6:45a human alarm clock the next morning. Oh and did I mention I am pregnant and thus incredibly tired?

The third problem is that when pregnant (and even my husband falls into this category) everyone thinks I am just like the perfect little designated driver.

It is just hard being pregnant, with a family, and relating these things to people who are in different places in their lives. And trust me, I sympathize with them too. When I was single or without a child I never understood why pregnant peeps or peeps with kids never wanted to go out. I was annoyed with their anti-funness. I made fun of them. Now I am them. It is just impossible to explain to someone what it is like to be pregnant or have children...and conversely it is impossible for them to sympathize with my whining about late nights and being tired.

But, for now, after this long rant, I leave with a photo of what I like to call 'Hillbilly camping bath'....


Desiree said...

I can relate, but with the marriage thing. I was one of the firsts to get married (come to think of it the only one still), so nobody understood where I was coming from when I needed advice or could grasp the dynamics of being married vs dating. I know when I have kids, it is going to be the same thing because i will yet again be the first. I loved reading the blog and all the warnings of what I can expect :)

Kristen said...

Yes, the being married thing is certainly a precursor to having a family. The kids thing is much worse, so get ready! But, the cool thing is you leave one club (the no kids club) and join another, equally, fun club (the I've got kids club). Ha.

Jenn said...

To your rant I can only say "amen!" I totally hear ya!

And that chubby little munchkin in her Hillbilly bath? Totally adorable!

Belly Monster's Mama said...

I totally get it. In our group of friends, there's even one singleton who, if you can believe it, shot out a nasty email to one in the group who'd just gotten back from China with her adopted daughter (making this her FOURTH child, so yeah, she's a tad busy). This singleton chewed her out for not having called her, etc, and of course, put an "LOL" or smiley at the end to try to negate all of the nastiness she had just written. Needless to say, she's no longer a member of our inner circle. Oh, we have other singletons, and a few marrieds who don't yet have kids, but why is it that some "get it" and some just never will?

Amen, sister. I hear you loud and clear... Oh, and dude - that bath? That's how my neighbors bathe their kids all summer long. I wish I was kidding.

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